E |
T |
Nimi |
Printtinimi |
_ | _ | America 3000 | America 3000 (1986) |
_ | _ | American Cyborg - Tappajarobotti | American Cyborg - Steel Warrior (1993) |
_ | _ | American Cyborg: Tappajarobotti | American Cyborg: Steel Warrior (1993) |
_ | _ | Ansassa! | Booby Trap (1986) |
_ | _ | Asfalttisoturi | Mad Max 2 (1981) |
_ | _ | Asfalttisoturi | Mad Max 2 (1981) |
_ | _ | Bronxin asfalttisoturit | Bronx Warriors, The (1982) |
_ | _ | Bronxin asfalttisoturit | Bronx Warriors, The (1982) |
_ | _ | Bronxin teurastajat | Bronx Executioner, The (1989) |
_ | _ | Bronxin teurastajat | The Bronx Executioner (1989) |
_ | _ | Bronxin teurastajat | The Bronx Executioner (1989) |
_ | _ | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs - Takaa-ajo, Metsäpalo, Kaksintaistelu | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs - Pursuit, Wildfire, Du (1994) |
_ | _ | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs - Villi lapsi, Robottien vallassa, Kilpajuoksu kuoleman kanssa | Cadillacs and Dinosaurs - Wild Child, Mind Over (1993) |
_ | _ | Cafe 69 | Cafe Flesh (1982) |
_ | _ | Cherry 2000 | Cherry 2000 (1987) |
_ | _ | Circuitry Man - laina-aivot | Circuitry Man (1990) |
_ | _ | Codename Rush | Rush (1983) |
_ | _ | Codename Rush | Rush (1983) |
_ | _ | Crash and Burn | Crash and Burn (1990) |
_ | _ | Crime Zone | Crime Zone (1988) |
_ | _ | Crime Zone | Crime Zone (1988) |
_ | _ | Cyborg | Cyborg (1989) |
_ | _ | Cyborg 3 | Cyborg³ (1994) |
_ | _ | Death Warriors - Kuoleman soturit | Exterminators of the Year 3000 (1983) |
_ | _ | Death Warriors - Kuoleman soturit | Exterminators of the Year 3000 (1983) |
_ | _ | Death Warriors - Kuoleman soturit | Exterminators of the Year 3000 (1983) |
_ | _ | Death Warriors - Kuoleman soturit | Exterminators of the Year 3000 (1983) |
_ | _ | Def-Con 4 | Def-Con 4 (1985) |
_ | _ | Dune Warriors | Dune Warriors (1991) |
_ | _ | Equalizer 2000 | Equalizer 2000 (1986) |
_ | _ | Erämaan laki vuosi 2099 | Rising Storm (1989) |
_ | _ | Escape from the Bronx | Escape from the Bronx (1983) |
_ | _ | Hell Comes to Town | Hell Comes to Frogtown (1987) |
_ | _ | Heroic Trio - Executioners | Jin doi hou hap cyun - Executioners (1993) |
_ | _ | Hornankuja | Damnation Alley (1977) |
_ | _ | Huomisen tuska | The Quiet Earth (1985) |
_ | _ | Huomisen tuska | The Quiet Earth (1985) |
_ | _ | Julma maailma | World Gone Wild (1988) |
_ | _ | Kadonneen maailman soturi | Warrior of the Lost World (1983) |
_ | _ | Kuolemanottelu | The Salute of the Jugger (1989) |
_ | _ | Kvintetti | Quintet (1979) |
_ | _ | Laiton Maa | Lawless Land, The (1988) |
_ | _ | Last patrol - Viimeinen partio | Last Patrol (2000) |
_ | _ | Lunar Cop | LunarCOP (1995) |
_ | _ | Mad Don | Boy And His Dog, A (1975) |
_ | _ | Mad Max | Mad Max (1979) |
_ | _ | Mad Max - ukkosmyrsky | Mad Max - Beyond Thunderdome (1985) |
_ | _ | Mad Max - Ukkosmyrsky | Mad Max - Beyond Thunderdome (1985) |
_ | _ | Mad Max - Ukkosmyrsky | Mad Max - Beyond Thunderdome (1985) |
_ | _ | Megaforce - Aavikkosoturit | Megaforce (1982) |
_ | _ | New Yorkin tuhon jälkeen vuonna 2019 | 2019 - After the Fall of New York (1983) |
_ | _ | Ohjelmoidut lihakset | Hands of Steel (1986) |
_ | _ | Osa | Osa (1985) |
_ | _ | Pahuuden kaupunki | Neon City (1991) |
_ | _ | Pako Bronxista | Escape from the Bronx (1983) |
_ | _ | Pako Bronxista | Escape from the Bronx (1983) |
_ | _ | Pako linnunradalta III | Escape from Galaxy III (1981) |
_ | _ | Pako New Yorkista | Escape from New York (1981) |
_ | _ | Pelottomat | Aftermath, The (1982) |
_ | _ | Radioaktiivisia unia | Radioactive Dreams (1985) |
_ | _ | Ritariässä 2010 | Knight Rider 2010 (1994) |
_ | _ | Roller Blade | Roller Blade (1986) |
_ | _ | Selviydy hengissä 1990 | Survival 1990 (1985) |
_ | _ | Seuraava päivä | Day After, The (1983) |
_ | _ | Seuraava päivä | Day After, The (1983) |
_ | _ | Shannon - Taistelija | Endgame (1983) |
_ | _ | Shannon - Taistelija | Endgame (1983) |
_ | _ | She - Naarassoturi | She (1982) |
_ | _ | Solarwarriors - Aurinkosoturit | Solarwarriors (1986) |
_ | _ | Soturi | Steel Dawn (1987) |
_ | _ | Space Trap | Space Trap (1981) |
_ | _ | Stryker - aavikon varjo | Stryker (1983) |
_ | _ | Survival Zone - Vain vahvat selviävät | Survival Zone (1983) |
_ | _ | Survivor | Survivor (1987) |
• | _ | Taistelurekka | Battletruck (1982) |
_ | _ | Taistelurekka | Battletruck (1982) |
_ | _ | Takaa-ajo | Last Chase, The (1981) |
_ | _ | Takaa-ajo | Last Chase, The (1981) |
_ | _ | Tank Girl | Tank Girl (1995) |
_ | _ | Tank Girl | Tank Girl (1995) |
_ | _ | Teloittajat | Final Executioner, The (1984) |
_ | _ | Texas v. 2000 | 2020 Texas Gladiators (1982) |
_ | _ | Texas v. 2000 | 2020 Texas Gladiators (1982) |
_ | _ | The Knights of God Osa 1 | Knights of God (1987) |
_ | _ | The Knights of God Osa 2 | Knights of God (1987) |
_ | _ | Thundarr Barbaari ja mustan helmen salaisuus | Thundarr the Barbarian (1980) |
_ | _ | Thundarr Barbaari ja mustan helmen salaisuus | Thundarr the Barbarian (1980) |
_ | _ | Tuhoojat | Ravagers (1979) |
_ | _ | Tuomittujen maa | Land of Doom (1986) |
_ | _ | Uudet barbaarit | New Barbarians, The (1983) |
_ | _ | Vain yksi voittaja... | Man Called Rage, A (1984) |
_ | _ | Viimeinen mies | Omega Man, The (1971) |
_ | _ | Viimeiset taistelijat | Urban Warriors (1987) |
_ | _ | Voodoo vuoren salaisuus | Searchers of the Voodoo Mountain (1985) |
_ | _ | Wheels of Fire | Wheels of Fire (1985) |
_ | _ | Wheels Of Fire | Wheels Of Fire (1985) |
_ | _ | Wheels of Fire | Wheels of Fire (1985) |